Women Composers Bingo 2024

Happy Women’s History Month! As has become a March tradition in my corner of the internet, it’s time for our annual Women Composers Bingo!

Here in the US, this year’s theme from the National Women’s History Alliance is “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.” (Not to be confused with the UN theme for International Women’s Day on March 9th, “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”).

A silver & gold flute lies diagonally across a map showing northern Africa, the Middle East, east Asia, and southeast Asia. Turquoise letters running diagonally across the photo read: "Celebrating Diversity in Classical Music."

Celebrating Diversity in Classical Music

It includes a selection of flute solos that I’ve learned about over the past several months, composers that I really wanted to add to VFS but haven’t published flute solos, and music for small ensembles or chamber orchestra written by other composers in the database.

A bingo board with white letters on a turquoise background titled "Women Composers Bingo 2024: Celebrating Diversity in Classical Music." Each bingo space contains the name and composer of a contemporary classical solo or chamber piece written by a woman from an underestimated demographic.

Let’s Play!

This is a great activity for a flute studio or music history class, whether as a part of a group activity or as an individual listening assignment for students. 

To view the full playlist, click on the three lines in the top right corner or the link in the title above the video.

Previous Bingo Boards & Playlists

A mix of award-winning compositions, flute solos, and other notable works by the top women composers of the Romantic era & early 20th century.

Bingo board with white text on a dark teal background, with each square listing the title and composer of a classical music composition by a woman composer. The pieces are flute solos and chamber music featuring the flute, and the title reads: "Women Composers Bingo 2022: Flute Music by Women Compsers."

Celebrate Women’s History Month with a listening activity featuring flute solos and chamber music by women composers from the Baroque era to the present!