Tag: intercultural music

  • What Does “Pualani” Mean?

    If you’re new to my corner of the internet, you might be wondering what “Pualani” means and how it’s related to music history.  The short answer is – it’s not.  Back in 2021 when I set up my blog and Instagram account, I hadn’t settled on a specific niche.  Choosing a handle & URL based…

  • The Real MVP of Pastoral Flute Music

    I’ll be honest – I’ve been having trouble feeling motivated to practice lately.  We’re going into year three of the pandemic, and the arts industry has been one of the worst hit in the economy.  The constant roller coaster of increasing and decreasing cases makes concert planning even more complex, and while I’m thankful for…

  • The Westward Migration of the Transverse Flute

    A brief history of the transverse flute – its journey and evolution from 7th century Asia to Renaissance Europe. A couple months ago, I watched a video from Early Music Seattle from their ‘Deep Roots‘ lecture series. The organization’s director brought his Renaissance lute for a show & tell, alongside a Turkish oud player and…